Research shows that nearly half of people who get tattoos consider removing them at some point. Some job cultures will not accept people with tattoos. Statistics also show that most people who get tattoos are in their adolescence or early 20's and that after 10 years they often feel differently about their tattoo. With Ink Free Laser Tattoo Removal you no longer have to live with that regret.
We are a non-judgemental family-run business who guarantee professionalism and discretion from our first consultation to your very last treatment - in the comfort of our contemporary laser clinic. Don't hide away any longer. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You don't have to put up with that unwanted tattoo.
As a big thank you to our emergency services we are offering Police Officers, Firefighters and all NHS staff, FREE patch tests! Just arrange an appointment and bring along your ID and let's begin your journey to becoming INK FREE!
Loyalty Cards Are Here!
Get rewarded for your tattoo removal sessions! Collect 5 stamps,
and your next treatment is HALF PRICE!
Book now and start saving!
Call now for a free consultation
01485 600 828 or 07785 184 135
Ink Free LLP
Registered Office: 2 Bracken Way, Grimston, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1XA.
Registered number: OC397524
We are a non-judgemental family-run business who guarantee professionalism and discretion from our first consultation to your very last treatment - in the comfort of our contemporary laser clinic. Don't hide away any longer. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You don't have to put up with that unwanted tattoo.
As a big thank you to our emergency services we are offering Police Officers, Firefighters and all NHS staff, FREE patch tests! Just arrange an appointment and bring along your ID and let's begin your journey to becoming INK FREE!
Loyalty Cards Are Here!
Get rewarded for your tattoo removal sessions! Collect 5 stamps,
and your next treatment is HALF PRICE!
Book now and start saving!
Call now for a free consultation
01485 600 828 or 07785 184 135
Ink Free LLP
Registered Office: 2 Bracken Way, Grimston, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1XA.
Registered number: OC397524